Welcome back. Perhaps you'd like to tell me what you'd like me to call you in this quiz.

Hello kiddo.

You have to get every question right to pass the Very Hard Exam about KNIGHTS.

If you get a question wrong you get to stand on the naughty chair!

So you need to be very careful and think very hard.

KNIGHTS are tricky but I understand them now.
Great! I can reach the cookies on the top shelf!
No way! I'm scared of heights!
Only your first answer counts.

If you get a question wrong first time you can try again but you won't score a point.

If you really want to stand on the naughty chair give the right answer, then the wrong answer!

Q1. How many squares can the knight move to in this position?

4 6 8 10 12

Q2. How many different pawns could the knight capture in this position?

1 2 3 4 5

Q3. Which pawn can the knight capture this move?

c5 d5 e5 g6 h3

Q4. Which pawn can the knight capture SAFELY this move?

b2 c5 e5 f2 f4

Q5. It's White's move. Which square should he move his knight to?

Q6. It's White's move. Which square should he move his knight to?

Q7. Where should White move his knight to FORK Black's pawns?

Q8. Where should White move his knight to ATTACK both the Black pawns?

Q9. How many moves does it take for the knight to go from d7 to g4?

1 2 3 4 5

Q10. How many moves does it take for the knight to go from d7 to f5?

1 2 3 4 5

Congratulations, Kiddo!!

You have now completed the KNIGHT quiz.

Something else about knights is that they're really good at doing forks. You'll learn more about this in the next lesson.

Cool! I love donig forks!
I'd like to repeat the quiz first and get my certificate
I'll do it later if you don't mind - I have to go now