chessKIDS academy presents

The Black Queen's Walkabout

In this lseson we'll play through a game.

You'll learn about all the nasty things that happen to kids who bring their queen out too soon.

Are you ready to go?


White plays e2-e4 and Black replies e7-e5.

Now White plays Ng1-f3 to THREATEN the Black e-pawn.

So far so good.

Black's usual move is Nb8-c6 but in this game he decides to DEFEND his Pawn with his Queen.

He plays Qd8-f6.

Not a good idea!

White DEVELOPS his Bishop on c4 and Black moves his Queen to g6. White's g-pawn is under attack. What should he do about it?

Ke1-f1 0-0
g2-g3 Nf3-h4

Black greedily grabss the Pawn on e4, moving his Queen for a THIRD time!

Black's also THREATENING the Bishop on c4.

White has two brilliant moves here.

First we'll look at Nf3xe5.

This looks crazy - Black can take the Knight. But do you see how White can win the Black Queen in this position?

d2-d4 Rf1-e1
Qd1-e2 Qd1-h5

Well done!

The Rook PINS and wins the Black Queen.

Remember this idea and you'll win a lot of Queens!

See how White got his Rook into play quickly by CASTLING!

But White didn't play Nf3xe5 - he preferred another crazy looking move.

He played Bc4xf7+!

What's this? Why can't Black just CAPTURE the Bishop?

Let's have a look.

Here's the position. White's got a really great Knight move here? It it...

Nf3-d4 Nf3xe5+
Nf3-g5+ Nf3-h4


You've just played a fantastic KNIGHT FORK!

Look at the White Knight, CHECKING the King and THREATENING the Queen at the same time.

Black must move out of check. Next move White will CAPTURE the Queen.

Black saw this coming and played Ke8-e7 instead.

White now played Re1xe5+ and this time Black took the Bishop.

How can White move a Pawn and open up a THREAT from his Bishop to the Black Queen?

a2-a4 b2-b4
c2-c4 d2-d4

Look at this position again.

Black must move his Queen - there are only two squares where she will not be taken at once.

Are they...

f6 and h6 g4 and h4
g4 and f6 h4 and h6

Let's examine Qg4 first.

Look at the Queens. If White moves his Knight the White Queen would THREATEN the Black Queen.

Should he play...

Nf3-d2 Nf3-e1
Nf3-g5+ Nf3-h4

Of course! It's CHECK!

White is CHECKING the King and THREATENING the Queen at the same time.

Black MUST move out of check, leaving White to take the Queen next move.

You'll learn more about this idea in another lesson.

In fact Black played Qf4-f6. White moved Nf3-g5+ and Black went Kf7-g6.

How should White bring another piece into the attack?

Qd1-h5+ Qd1-d3+
Bc1-f4 Nb1-c3

Yes, White played Qd1-d3+ and Black moved his King from g6 to h5.

White has only ONE way to force CHECKMATE in two moves. He needs to force the King further up the board.

Qd3-d1+ Qd3-h3+
Ng5-f7+ g2-g4+

White played g2-g4+ and Black had no choice: Kh5xg4.

How can White get CHECKMATE this move?

Qd3-e2+ Qd3-e4+
Qd3-g3+ Qd3-h3+

Stop and look at this position.

Did Black develop his Knights and Bishops? NO!!

Did Black castle to make his King safe? NO!!

Did Black bring his Queen out too soon? YES!!

Did Black move his Queen too many times? YES!!

Don't do it, kids! You know it makes sense!

Now comes the difficult bit.

How many of those moves can you remember?

Enter the moves in computer notation (starting square, then finishing square). If you castle enter the King move (e.g. e1g1) - hint hint!

Black's FORKING two pawns. What developing move did White play here?

Here, White can use a PIN to win Black's Queen.

You'd better tell me how.

Hey, you at the back! Pay attention!

How can White use a FORK here?

OK, sit up straight and tell me how White made a DISCOVERED ATTACK on the Black Queen in this position.

Hey, you over there! Stop looking out the window, turn round and face the board. I want a Knight move to win the Black Queen with a DISCOVERED ATTACK.

Hey, kiddo! Take that gum out of your mouth and play the move that forces CHECKMATE in two moves! You want a clue? Try looking at your pawns.

You there hiding in the corner! Put those Pokémon cards away AT ONCE and checkmate Black this move!

You've now reached the end of your assignment.

Click on the FINISH button to find out how you got on!