If you want to be a superhero you should do at least one quiz a week - or more if you have time.

The more you do the quicker you will improve.

On this page you'll be able to do TACTICS quizzes where you have to find the best move - usually using a weapon such as a FORK or AMBUSH.

You can do these quizzes either interactively or offline.

There are two ways you can do these quizzes. If you're experienced you can try doing them interactively. If you haven't done them before you might prefer to print them off, write down the answers, then return to the interactive version when you've worked out all the answers.

We also have a new set of interactive quizzes where you can ask for clues to help you solve the answers.

Our new interactive quizzes each comprise ten questions.

You can score a maximum of 10 points for each question. You lose a point for each incorrect guess. You can 'phone a friend' to ask for up to three clues for each question, but whenever you do so you lose two points.

To have a go at an interactive tactics quiz with clues click on one of the numbers below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

For the quizzes without clues in either interactive or printable format continue to the next page.


Interactive Tactics Quizzes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Printable Tactics Quizzes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

REMEMBER - if the WHITE pieces are at the bottom of the diagram it's WHITE's move. And if the Black pieces are at the bottom it's BLACK's move.

If you haven't done any of these before you'll need a bit of help, so read on!


To solve the quizzes remember to use a CCTV.



In these quizzes you're looking for moves that win pieces. You will either win a piece for nothing or a stronger piece for a weaker piece.

In some questions you'll be able to do it at once, in other questions you'll have to set it up, maybe by playing a SACRIFICE.

Sometimes you'll just be able to win a piece by TRAPPING it - threatening it. Sometimes you'll have to use one of the WEAPONS you've learned about for DOUBLE THREATS - FORKS, PINS, SKEWERS, DISCOVERED ATTACKS, DISCOVERED CHECKS, DESTROY AND DECOY.

So the move you'll be looking for will be a THREAT - often a DOUBLE THREAT. It may also be a CHECK or a CAPTURE.

If you haven't done very many of these positions before you might prefer print off the printable version of the quiz, set each position up on a chessboard and move the pieces around for yourself to see what happens, then write down the answer.

Your chess teacher might also want you to do this for homework.

When you've solved the puzzle write down the move you would play - the letter of the piece you would move: P,N,B,Q,K (you don't have to do this if it's a pawn move), then the rank and file to which you want to move it, for instance Qh5.

If there are two pieces of the same type that can move to the same square you'll have to enter the file it comes from followed by the rank it moves to, for instance Rae1. If they're both on the same file you'll have to use the rank instead: R1f7.

You can also check your answer by going onto the interactive version of the quiz.

To enter your answer on your computer use the MAGIC KEYPAD: click on the piece want you move, then the rank and file to which you want to move it - in that order.

If there are two pieces of the same type that can move to the same square you'll have to enter the file it comes from followed by the rank it moves to, for instance Rae1. If they're both on the same file you'll have to use the rank instead: R1f7.

If you get the question right first time you score a point. You can have as many guesses as you like but only your first answer counts towards your score.

When you have answered all ten questions you can click to find out how many you got right.