I find it hard to keep still in lessons. YESNO
I sometimes act first and think later. YESNO
My spelling is sometimes not very good. YESNO
I sometimes shout out answers instead of putting my hand up. YESNO
My handwriting is sometimes not very neat. YESNO
I sometimes get distracted in class. YESNO
I sometimes get in trouble for not doing as I'm told. YESNO
I sometimes find it hard to finish things I've started. YESNO
I tend to think in pictures rather than words. YESNO
I sometimes find it hard to organize myself. YESNO

I like inventing new games. YESNO
I like solving puzzles. YESNO
I sometimes talk too much in school. YESNO
I'm very good at using computers. YESNO
I never walk when I can run. YESNO
I find it hard to concentrate unless I'm really interested in something. YESNO
I find it hard to remember words and numbers. YESNO
I'm good at remembering scenes from movies or TV programs. YESNO
I have a very good imagination. YESNO
I sometimes make careless mistakes in tests. YESNO

I often lose things like clothes and books. YESNO
I sometimes forget to do things I'm supposed to do. YESNO
I sometimes get impatient when waiting for my turn. YESNO
I sometimes find it hard to keep quiet when I'm supposed to. YESNO
I sometimes climb over furniture at home or in school. YESNO

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