I enjoy playing physical games. YESNO
I like climbing trees. YESNO
I like playing with pretend weapons. YESNO
I enjoy playfighting with my friends. YESNO
I like being cheeky to grown-ups. YESNO
I enjoy watching movies with fights or battles. YESNO
I sometimes like taking risks. YESNO
I sometimes swear when talking to my friends. YESNO
I like using rude words and telling rude jokes. YESNO
I like getting muddy or dirty. YESNO

I like watching scary TV programs and movies. YESNO
I enjoy watching wrestling on TV. YESNO
I like collecting Pokémon or Yu-gi-oh cards. YESNO
I'm better at maths than English. YESNO
I prefer science to history. YESNO
I'd rather be Horrid Henry than Perfect Peter. YESNO
I enjoy playing computer games. YESNO
I'm not very good at keeping my room tidy. YESNO
I'd rather read factual books than stories. YESNO
I like listening to loud music. YESNO

I like playing practical jokes. YESNO
I enjoy making things with Lego. YESNO
I like taking things apart to see how they work. YESNO
I'm sometimes told I look untidy. YESNO
My schoolwork is sometimes not very neat. YESNO

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